Travel Journal: Off the Beaten Craft in Florence, Italy


There are so many reasons to love Florence. For us, it’s the dramatic and shifting light that illuminates the Arno and surrounding architecture and hills. It’s also the food - good lord, the food. Importantly, and as relates to Le Mondeur, it’s the rich and long-standing traditions of Florentine craftsmanship. Be it food, wine, art or craft, everything made in Florence is impeccable and beautiful.

We wanted to share a few of our favorite haunts, eats and artisan-made goods we experienced while traveling to Florence to make the Italy Collection.


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Three words: bistecca all fiorentina. Possibly the best steak in the world when done right (sorry, Argentina). Mouth watering just thinking about it. A few top recommendations for this:

  1. Antica Trattoria Sanesi in Lastra a Signa, a short drive or train outside the city. A local’s haunt. You will not be sad you made the trip.

  2. Antica Macelleria Cecchini in Panzano in Chianti. We had the dumb luck of being swept away by excellent local hosts to this shrine to beef, which some of you may now know from the latest Chef’s table season. An experience of a lifetime, and made some friends while we were at it (ciao to our waiter, now in NYC, Tommaso!) Well worth the drive out here, but I’d stay local because you will eat - and drink - a lot.

  3. Friend’s home in the Tuscan countryside. Make some friends and get yourself an invite to the best kind of dining experience! Thanks, Briza and Massimo, for your ever warm hospitality!


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The Uffizi, always and forever. Just make sure you reserve your tickets online in advance. For modern art, I love Museo Novecento.



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The Antico Setificio Fiorentino is the oldest, continuously operating silk weaving workshop in Europe, and makes custom silk and other woven fabrics on the looms of noble Florentine families dating back to the 16th and 17th centuries. While it could be a museum, it is very much a functioning workshop, busy making custom interior design orders. It is a feast for the eyes and spirit, and a must-visit if you love textiles. You must book a private tour in advance:

I was gifted my first pair of Madova gloves while visiting Florence during college. I still have them, and they’re only getting better with age. I decided to invest in a second pair last year, and I hope to have this pair for just as long. Madova has been a family-owned producer of artisan leather gloves, still made in Florence, for over 100 years. Near the Ponte Vecchio.


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It was music (our Chief Ambassador, Jordan, was on tour with Jovanotti) that brought us to Florence in early 2018, and down time spent shopping that led us to our latest collection. While we love live music, we also love record shopping while traveling. Contempo Records is a gem of record store in old town Florence.

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Jessica Singer