Travel Journal: Our Favorite Spot in Paris


In these times, I think it’s important to hold on to memories of special places around the world until we can visit them again.  

One of my absolute favorite things to do in Paris is to have tea and pastries at the café of the Grande Mosquée de Paris. My cousin first brought me here when I was 18, and I make a point of visiting every time I am in town. 


For two euros (the price has not changed in nearly 20 years!), a friendly waiter brings you a hot mint tea, which you will inevitably order more of as you sit and take in the lovely tile-filled surroundings and cheerful atmosphere filled with people from all over the world chatting or taking a quiet moment for themselves with a book. 

The traditional North African pastries are delicious, and a mandatory accompaniment to your tea. 


The café is also located right across the street from the Jardin des Plantes and the National Museum of Natural History. You can make an entire afternoon out of this lovely corner of Paris.


Until we meet again, Paris…

Jessica Singer